Vibration Therapy Helps You Heal Faster

Whether you’re dealing with pain issues, recovering from injuries, or simply want to regain flexibility, matrix therapy speeds up your recovery tenfold. Schedule an appointment today and get better faster.

Vibration Therapy Helps You Heal Faster

Whether you’re dealing with pain issues, recovering from injuries, or simply want to regain flexibility, matrix therapy speeds up your recovery tenfold. Schedule an appointment today and get better faster.

Matrix Therapy Or Bio Mechanical Stimulation Reduces Your Recovery Time

Vibration Therapy is often referred to as bio mechanical stimulation or matrix therapy is a simple, painless, and convenient way to improve your recovery times from issues like reduced range of motion, pain issues, circulatory problems, and more. It’s the perfect adjunctive therapy for anyone in need of physical therapy as well as improved athletic performance.

What Is Biomechanical Stimulation (BMS)?

BMS is a type of physical therapy that uses mechanical vibrations to improve and restore the health and vitality of muscles.

BMS works by applying controlled vibrations to the muscles. These vibrations cause the muscles to contract and relax, which helps to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and increase your range of motion. BMS can also help to break up scar tissue and adhesions, which can improve flexibility and reduce pain.

Think of the benefits of using a massage gun, getting a massage, a tens unit, physical therapy, and compression boots all with one simple device. Plus, vibration therapy helps speed up your recovery times tenfold.

BMS is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Muscle pain: BMS can help to reduce muscle pain and stiffness caused by injuries, overuse, or chronic conditions such as arthritis.
  • Reduced range of motion: BMS can help to improve your range of motion in the joints, which can make it easier to move and perform daily activities.
  • Scar tissue: BMS can help to break up scar tissue and adhesions, which can improve flexibility and reduce pain.

BMS is a non-invasive treatment that does not require surgery or medication and is appropriate for all ages.

If you are considering BMS, it is important to talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine if BMS is right for you and can refer you to a qualified practitioner.

The Benefits Of Vibration Therapy

If you are looking for a non-invasive way to improve your muscle health, flexibility, and range of motion, BMS may be a good option for you. Talk to your doctor to learn more about BMS and whether it is right for you.

Here are the primary benefits of BMS:

  • Improved muscle health and vitality: BMS can help to improve the health and vitality of muscles by increasing circulation, reducing muscle tension, and breaking up scar tissue.
  • Enhanced flexibility and range of motion: BMS can help to improve flexibility and range of motion by breaking up scar tissue and adhesions, and by stimulating the muscles to contract and relax.
  • Reduced pain: BMS can help to reduce pain by reducing muscle tension, breaking up scar tissue, and improving circulation.
  • Improved athletic performance: BMS can help to improve athletic performance by increasing muscle strength and endurance, and by improving flexibility and range of motion.

Helping Athletes Achieve Peak Performance

BMS is a safe and effective way to improve athletic performance. It is an easy treatment that simply requires you to lie on a padded table and follow the tech’s instructions. If you are an athlete who is looking to improve your performance, BMS may be a good option for you. Here are some additional benefits of BMS for athletes:

  • Improved recovery: vibration therapy can help to speed up recovery from workouts and injuries.
  • Reduced fatigue: BMS can help to reduce fatigue and improve endurance.
  • Increased motivation: BMS can help to increase motivation and improve focus.
  • Speed up muscle recovery: Matrix therapy improves circulation, and improves recovery times.

If you are an athlete who is looking for a way to improve your performance, BMS is a safe and effective option that may be worth considering.

Why Try Lightning Flexibility and Recovery?

Without a doubt, the biggest reason to try vibration therapy is that it significantly improves your recovery time from many different issues. Perfect as an adjunctive therapy for anyone going through physical therapy down to someone who simply wants to move better.

Each treatment requires you to come in and lay on the BMS table. After a quick conversation, we’ll aim the vibrations to the appropriate area for 20-30 minutes. Many of our patients say that 2 minutes of vibration therapy is equal to an hour massage, so imagine what a typical session could do for your recovery.

Contact us today to schedule your first session today. You’ll love how it makes you feel.

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